Thursday, August 28, 2008

My Kind of Vigilantes

I edit my friends' e-mails in my head as I read. Sometimes I correct mistakes in my response, discreetly or not so discreetly. That's why Jeff Deck and Benjamin Herson are my heroes. Not to say that I sweepingly condone defacing public property, because I don't. I think that when a benefit is derived from an addition to a structure or surface, as in the case of artistic and/or meaningful graffiti, it's not defacement. On the converse, people who tag inanities like "I rock" onto an otherwise immaculate building should be drawn and quartered.

Grammarians, unite!

1 comment:

emily said...

grammarians indeed. i plead guilty to being one of your verbally challenged friends (as i write this comment i have once again misspelled challenge...curses). i'm pleased to see your kinsmen take this grammar thing to a bansky level.